-And So the Journey Begins...

Well, hello there, I sure hope you have a few extra minutes, to spend here with me at my Beta Blog. First, I would like to introduce myself, I am Sadie and I am a newbie to the internet realm. My mission is to become a 'work from home grandmom', a blogger and a 'EntreNETpreneur'; pretty big word and a pretty big mission. As I mentioned above I am a 'newbie'... a 'novice' in this internet field and everything that is happening within this platform is new to me. So, I consider my blogging and my emergence onto the web and this site in the Beta Stage. Lately, I have been spending an enormous amount of time here, learning and discovering what or where my niche should be centered. Well, that is a concept that is still in development, but meanwhile I am here and my current passion is promoting a program that I recently came across that looks promising. It is the 'Agloco Story' and what it could mean to internet users...if it is successful. In the weeks that follow I will share info that I have located with you and I will let you judge for yourself. Just don't take too long deciding whether or not to come 'on board', because this project is growing, and I believe the key to it's success for it's members is to develop a strong membership circle. So let's begin our journey...