-Employers Identification Number [EIN]

19th-November, 2007

As an affiliate of any online program, you are working for a company as an independent contractor. Subsequently taxes are not being withheld ... that's totally your responsibility. However the money that you will be earning from the various programs that you are connected with, will be reported to the government using the Tax ID# that you supplied these businesses with.

To all of my fellow 'building a business on the net hopefuls', take a few moments and sign-up for an employers identification number - EIN. [US citizens only]
I just recently got one, I wish I knew about this a year ago. Now, I no longer have to leave my SSN all over the net, and it only takes moments to get one. And after getting one, I felt as though I had actually taken a leap forward in reinforcing my online privacy.

You can either obtain one ONLINE or by calling 800-829-4933, and within minutes you will have it. Come on guys/gals just follow this link: