
1st-November, 2007

In an earlier post, well actually it was the post before this one, I mentioned that I was accepted into a program and that I was completely surprised, overwhelmed, ecstatic ... well, you get the idea, anyway the program is called Smorty.

What is Smorty, Smorty is a blogger's dream come true, now get this ... You get paid to do what a bloggers does best, and that is blogging. Yes, that's right at Smorty's you get paid to blog. Smorty brings advertisers and bloggers together. You will receive a number of advertiser's offers, and from that list you can select the topic, product or website that interest you the most or that compliments the theme of your site. Then you just review the site and publish your opinion. It's that easy. And you aren't limited to only one blog, submit them all for approval, the more blogs that you have the more money you make.

The offers begin at $6.00 and some will be higher than that, and then all you have to do is select and post, select and post. Now this program is FREE to join, once your blog is approved ... and this is the absolute best part, you will get paid to blog.

So, add another dimension to something you already love doing anyway, why not get paid for blogging. It just doesn't get any better than this...