-Now What To Get Mom...Hmmm
Do you know someone like this? They have so many photo's on their walls, that the photo's could easily be mistaken for wallpaper. Every free table space is utilized to display an endless flood of framed pictures. Or a person that has an uncanny knack for seemingly knowing when new photo's are 'out and about'. If you do, than you have definitely met 'my mom'.
She is an incurable 'fotofanatic', and it gets worse, she has a host of albums, that she has within easy reach that she will surround you in at the first available opportunity that opens during any and all visits. This is definitely her passion because she never tire's of collecting photo's of all of our family members ... she just shines when she gets her little mitts on a new one.
So, what am I thinking of getting her for Christmas, really this is just such an easy choice for me and she will be tickled pink; this will leave her bubbling for weeks on end; the family and anyone else that calls her will hear about this present that I am considering for untold months to come. What is it, well, some of yall may have guessed and for those that haven't, I will give you a break and 'cut to the chase' ... a picture frame but just not any frame ... a digital frame .
And what will this mean to her collection? She will now have an animated photo album, a frame that can store a host of photo's, this digital photo frame has memory and can constantly by uploaded with additional photo's. And there is more, you can also display short video clips with sound! OMGosh, I can see her sitting in front of this digital picture frame for hours, and the best part is that it has a remote control. She will ABSOLUTELY flip!
And technology is such a BLAST, I can simply let these fingers of mine do the shopping and within days, I will be wrapping the ULTIMATE 'mom gift'. And I know just where to find this perfect mom present, the only problem will be deciding on which frame, the best size and oh, what color ... to give her. But I have a few days to make my final decision, cuz DigitalFramez has next day delivery. But there is just one more thing I have to consider, if I order before the first of December, I will get 5% off the purchase price. The perfect present, that can be ordered online and shipped tomorrow, hmmm ...
OK, I guess mom is done ... who's next ...
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