-Mornin' Fellow Bloggers

Dec 02

19th-January, 2008

This morning I am entering this comment not only with a smile on my face but a 'Happy Heart'. Initially today wasn't any different than any other Saturday, I did get up a little later than usual but the few extra hours made a world of difference ... I felt both relaxed and refreshed.

Next, I followed my normal routine and after my PC was up and running, I started checking all of my stats. Just recently I installed a different kind of stat counter that I will tell you a little more about in another post. Well, anyway it pointed me in the direction of a blogspot post by a fellow ECite known as

Was I ever surprised, amazed, happy and bubbling all at the same time. Because on his site there was a totally unexpected comment, a post, a nicely laid out commentary about me [DoenutsllDollars] on his blog. Nothing like this has ever happened to me before and I am thrilled, overjoyed and elated. Someone noticed my blog and posted a comment 'WOW'!

So, now what's should a blogger do when a situation like this confronts him/her, why BLOG about it, 'What Else'. That is definitely one of the nicest things that has ever happened to me, since joining the blogsphere community.

Thanks much INconstantIN ... for the 'link luv'...