- Sew What's Next

Dec 02

24th-January, 2008

As a child, my friends and I were always trying different things, there was always something new to pursue. Back then everything we did seemed like an amazing adventure and no matter how many times we were involved with it during the day or during the week, it was always a delight. We could always find things to do ... and should I dare to mention ... that I can never, ever remember being bored, or too tired or not interested. Our neighborhood was our playground.

Sometimes I wonder about todays youngun's, they are never satisfied, always bored or too tired to get involved. But let me tell you what brought on all of these reflections and recollections. I was thinking about getting back into sewing, something I learned how to do when I was much, much younger. Something, that I really haven't done in years and today I was looking at some really incredible sewing machines. I came across a Brother Sewing Machine that could do just about anything, it's computerized, does embroidery, and threads itself ... but that also brought back another memory ... of a neighborhood candy store. This store sold everything, candy, ice cream, pickled treats and more. And near the front door on display was a really old sewing machine. You know one of those models that was powered by foot, it was a Singer Treadle Sewing machine. And the store owner would let us pick and play with it, and yes, we found a way to have fun with that old sewing machine.

So, now I am thinking about getting a newer model, I do have a machine, but it is a bit dated. I can't do anything fancy with the one I have just basic things. But with the model that I seen, well now, I would be able to create, just about anything...