-On Again Or Off Again ... Whatever, I Am Ready ...

Nov 10

15th-November, 2007

My daughter is a university coed, she just loves her school and most of her courses. And she wants to dabble in just about everything. So, when she recently started talking again about attending and spending a semester in England, I started my online search.

Once before we had breached this topic, and we had decided that if she did choose to take classes in another country, I would accompany her. And fortunately for me, the countries that interest her the most are places I have always wanted to visit and spend some time in.

As luck would have it, I came across this amazing site that listed "
London Jobs", but not only did it list jobs in London, but it also included every single thing that someone might need when they are in the market for relocating. The listing included cars for sale, houses and apartments to share or rent, community activities and stuff for sale ... which is just a brief outline of what was listed. And I am betting you are envisioning a website that is so jam packed with data that you can almost feel a headache coming on. Well, this is the absolute best thing imaginable about this site it was easy on the eyes, the color palate was soothing, your senses will not be bombarded with ads that you are not interested in ... anyway. It is easy to navigate with an easy to follow format. I just had to bookmark this site, everything I needed to begin planning was all located in just one spot.

So, now I am ready for whatever my daughter plans. If she's planning to stay on campus, that's just fine or is she prefers an apartment, that's fine also. If she is seeking a part time job in London, got that covered to or if she wants to stay and attend a school in another part of England, I am ready for that also. No matter what the outcome, I know where to begin.

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