-My Christmas Menu

Dec 01

1st-December, 2007

Christmas is just around the corner and this year I think I want to be a little bit more creative with my menu. Some of the basics, the turkey and stuffing I will still be serving, but I think I want to add a few more things to my meal that I have never before included.

Believe it or not I have never, ever served a green bean casserole, to be perfectly honest I have never ever cooked a bean casserole. I think though for this holiday, since my eldest son is a big fan of this seemly hot holiday item, I will be including this casserole along with the fresh greens that I normally serve.

I guess I will be doing a little bit more exploring on the web, looking for some fresh, new menu ideas. However, I have already found some really enticing dessert ideas. But unbeknown to my daughter, this year she will be spending time in the kitchen helping to prepare the holiday fare with her mom. She is absolutely great with pastries and desserts and I have found some cookie receipes that I just can't wait to sample. One of the recipes that I found is called Pineapple Puff, not only does it include fruit but its covered with a vanilla glaze. Now, you gotta admit, a holiday isn't a holiday without the scent of vanilla throughout the house.

Now hold the phone, I have also found a Christmas Casserole Cookie Recipe, this recipe quite honestly had me drooling, all of my favorites pack into one cookie recipe.

Oh yeh, I am getting my recipes in order ... and Santa you can expect an
extra 5lb. weight gain after leaving my house this year ...


Anonymous said...

I love your holiday spirit. I share the same affinity for this time of year and all it's magic! I will be checking out this cookie casserole recipe you mention... Mmmmmm

Happy Holidays!
