-Santa Can I Have 'A Dyson' This Year

Dec 01

5th-December, 2007

What an incredible vac, what an incredible site and what an incredible selection of products. And this list goes on with a variety of Dyson genuine accessories. Do you suffer from allergies, have a pet that sheds tons of hair or just many different floor surfaces within your home, then there is a Dyson for you. But hold on now, he has also created a product that is just as powerful as all of his other models, however it has a brain ... this vacuum robot, yes I said robot DC06 ... does the vacuuming for you.

I just visited this site this morning, which I would just like to add is just dazzling and not only visibly stunning but everything you could possibly have a question on about the product, or the creator and his history or even the direction the company is planning on taking ... is right on this site at your fingertips. There is no mysterious creator, that you hear rumors about. His story, his vision and his many programs, projects, triumphs and all the stumbling blocks are all revealed. OK, I will share one little morsel of info, in September of 2009 he will be opening the doors to the 'Dyson School of Design Innovation' the first of it's kind in the UK.

Even if you hadn't even thought about a new vac, or a vacuum as a Christmas gift idea; viewing this site and reading the history of the product and what it offers ... could possibly lead you to reconsider what you would like Santa to bring you, or you might consider giving this product to that someone special this year.

And if English isn't your first language and you prefer reading about his products in your first language, he also has a language translator on site.